Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Daylight System

Daylight system tutorial was a really fun one to do after following the step by step instrustions from youtube video. Today we create different shapes then changed them in to more intrusting colours and shapes. Some of them look smooth and some look glossy by using the glossy paint.


Today we learned how to create lighting effect in 3D Max around any object created or downloaded from the internet. The lighting effect allows you to add light inside and object such as pumpkin. The yellow corn on the left hand side is one of the lights giving an effect from the side of this pumpkin and the green cube on the right hand side in another light giving a different effect.

The one below is a bit more bright then the one above becuase the cube shaped has been moved arround.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Making Leaves Using Mapping Techniques

Original Leaf

Edited Leaf

Material Edit Leaf

Leaf with Effect

After going through the tutorial and doing the step by step on how to take out the white surface of the leaf and make it at a angle in 3D Max. I reallly enjoyed doing this bit today was really intresting and fun was little bit confusing at the start in photoshop but after that in 3D max was quite a fun part.

Material Editor

                                                                       Wood Effect

Box in wood effect

World of wood
Today we learned how to work in material editor. Editor allows us to convert any image of the internet or a personal image and wrap it around our object made by us. Today I first found an image of Google open it in 3D Max via material editor which looks like my first image. Then we made a box and covered the box with our wood effect to change the gloss, softness and the sharpness of the box containing the wood effect as shown in picture 2. The effect on one of the round material's look like this once material has been applyed. Last picture is what I decided to called world of wood.