Tuesday 13 March 2012

Head movement

Today we learned how to make a head preform different movement by using diferent function on the 3ds Max. First we downloaded a head object form the tutor's blog then imported in to 3ds max. We decided to make 3 duplicates of the same head and give each head a different move. 1st head opened his mouth very wide to see the difference. 2nd head closed its eyes for a movement and the 3rd one moved its nose up and down. Once these 3 heads were ready we move the movement in to the master head which controlled all these 3 moves. Then we created a animation video by making these head perform somesort of action face movie to see how it would look in a video clip.

Thursday 1 March 2012

House (Target)

My third object is a house whcih will be the target which will be attacked by the tank using the cannon balls.

Cannon Balls

My second object related to make tank are the Cannon balls. The early aged tank used to use the old fashioned cannon balls used in the empire wars.


This is the final look of my wooden tank. The the was quite hard to create barring in mind it had to be as good as possible and had to look just like the original. I've added several pictures of the tank taken from different angles.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Daylight System

Daylight system tutorial was a really fun one to do after following the step by step instrustions from youtube video. Today we create different shapes then changed them in to more intrusting colours and shapes. Some of them look smooth and some look glossy by using the glossy paint.